Greenhill Fund

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is Greenhill School called an independent school?
Greenhill School is an independent school because it designs its own programs and curriculum, operates without financial support from the national or state government, and is governed by its own Board of Trustees. Unlike public schools, which are funded by tax dollars, independent schools rely solely upon tuition fees, endowment income and proceeds from fundraising to meet their operating expenses.
What is the Greenhill Fund?
The Greenhill Fund is a yearly appeal for donations to support the current operations of the school. These gifts help enhance the day-to-day life of every student and faculty member by supporting a variety of programs, including academics, faculty development, the arts, athletics, college counseling, technology, and the library.
How does the Greenhill Fund work?
Parents, alumni, alumni parents, and grandparents solicit others for a contribution to meet two goals – a budgeted gross dollar amount and a participation goal. The school values the inclusive nature of its community, and participation in the Greenhill Fund is an important priority. In addition, many foundations to which we apply for grants look very closely at participation figures. Also, all gifts to the Greenhill Fund are 100% tax deductible.
Who contributes to the Greenhill Fund and when?
In addition to current parents, the Greenhill Fund receives strong financial support from alumni, alumni parents, grandparents, faculty, staff, special friends, and corporate matching gifts programs. It is hoped that everyone will have pledged to participate in Greenhill Fund by December 31 and that all payments are received no later than May 31.
What is the purpose of the Greenhill Fund? Isn’t tuition enough?
The success of the Greenhill Fund has a direct impact on the quality of Greenhill’s programs. The average cost of educating each student in 2024-25 is $38,000, while the average tuition per student is $35,000. Thus, there is a shortfall or gap per student of $3,000. Dollars raised by annual giving are crucial to bridge the gap between tuition income and operating expenses. The heart of the operating budget includes teachers’ salaries, educational materials, the financial aid program, and facilities maintenance. The Greenhill Fund keeps tuition down and ensures that a Greenhill education is accessible to an economically diverse population.
How much should I give?
We ask each person to participate at a level appropriate for his or her circumstances. Gifts can range from amounts that provide an extra book in the library to fully meeting the gap between the operating cost and tuition. Some donors give enough to pay the tuition for a student on financial aid. All gifts are vital and appreciated.
What is the difference between the Greenhill Fund and a capital campaign?

Capital campaigns are conducted periodically to provide significant funds for buildings and endowment. The Greenhill Fund is designed to offset annual operating expenses and is paid by the end of the academic/fiscal year.