PA Forum: Owner's Guide to Minding Stress

Location: MS Rotunda
No doubt our children experience a myriad of stressors from school, interpersonal relationships, and at home. A healthy level of stress is critical to human development as it prepares the body for action and activates the higher thinking centers of the brain. But what does an unhealthy level of stress look and feel like? How do we help our children learn to take ownership of their own stress? Join our distinguished panel of school counselors as they discuss the neuroscience behind stress, the signs and symptoms of a negative response to stress, which may include anxiety/depression, how the school helps promote a positive response to stress, and how parents can incorporate strategies at home to develop healthy coping mechanisms through the benefits of mindfulness.
Presenters: Preschool and Lower School Counselor Shanti Majeski '95, Middle School Counselor Emily Corbin, and Upper School Counselor Priya Singhvi

Greenhill School

A coed independent day school for prekindergarten – Grade 12
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